Saru, Saruchi... that is what my close friends and family call me. I was born in a windy little village in the south of Tenerife. I graduated in Illustration at Swansea College of Art, and afterward, I moved to Italy where I graduated with an MA in Children's Book Illustration at Ars in Fabula.
When I was a little girl I loved books more than anything in the world. I remember sitting on my bed in the evenings and finishing my books in one go. I loved the illustrations by Cicely Mary Barker on my fairy books (I was obsessed with fairies for a very long time and used to investigate to prove that they were real. Sadly, I never found any evidence of it). Up until then, I was sure I wanted to be a writer, or an editor, as I couldn't imagine anything better for me. However, a series of magical books landed in my hands, I was amazed by the colorful and magic illustrations, so I started drawing its characters and, after that, making my own. I discovered that there was something better for me than just writing or reading, it was reading the stories to create a world for them. This is how I slowly entered the world of illustration.
Currently, I am back at my beloved island by the sea, where I bring to life other people's dreams and ideas and develop my own picture book stories, those which little me would have loved to read.